In the next few days I'm starting to build a new theme set of Cavemans models, and accordingly for this I have collected for you (and for me) some cool MOCs that I found.

Have fun :)


1_D4C4811Mommy wrong...meat good!Tough caseStone Age life.Stone Age life.The Caveman Institute of Technology 2Time Isles: CavemanLascaux, the true story - L'autre histoire de LascauxLascaux, the true story / First contact - 03RahhgrrRahhgrrThe Caveman 02Behind every Great Man is a great......Just Cruisin'Lego Caveman vs Lego Sabertooth tigerLego Cave FolkAdam & EvaPrehistoric men 2No honey, we are not buying that sports car!mr cave-eFireFire Dino / prehistoric Dinosaur Dinosaur