As a Lego enthusiast, one of the most exciting aspects of the hobby is the ability to create and design your own models. While there are endless sets available to purchase and build, sometimes it's fun to take a set and create something entirely different with it. This process, known as "Alternative build" allows you to use your creativity and imagination to transform a set into something completely unique.

However, it's important to keep in mind that building alternative model with  a Lego set is not the same as simply following the instructions and building it as intended. It requires a bit of extra thought and planning to come up with a design that looks good and functions properly. In this article, we'll go over some tips and techniques for designing alternative models from Lego sets.

  1. Start with a concept

Before you start your alternative model, it's important to have a clear concept in mind. This will help guide your design and ensure that you stay focused on your goal. Think about what you want to create and how you can use the pieces in the set to achieve it. Some ideas could be creating a different vehicle, building a different type of structure, or adding additional features to the original model.

  1. Assemble and disassemble the original model

First you will need to assemble the original Lego model, you will learn the techniques in the instructions, sometimes this alone gives you a lot of knowledge about the parts you have. After this it's time to take apart the set and organize the pieces you have to work with. This is where it's helpful to have a good understanding of the different types of Lego pieces and how they function. For example, you might need to use hinges to create movable parts or use brackets to support a structure. Make a list of the pieces you have available and think about how you can use them in your design.

  1. Create a rough sketch

Next, create a rough sketch of your design to help visualize how it will look. This doesn't have to be a detailed drawing, but it can be helpful to have a general idea of how the pieces will fit together. You can also create a list of any additional pieces you might need to purchase to complete your model.

  1. Start building

Now it's time to get building! As you work on your model, don't be afraid to make changes to your design as needed. Sometimes things don't work out exactly as planned, and that's okay. The beauty of alternative model is that you have the freedom to change and adapt as you go.

  1. Test and refine

Once you have a basic structure in place, it's time to test and refine your design. Make sure everything fits together properly and functions as intended. If you find that something isn't working, don't be afraid to go back and make changes. It's better to take the time to fix issues now rather than later when the model is more complete.

  1. Add details and final touches

Finally, it's time to add the finishing touches to your model. This is where you can really get creative and make your design unique. Add as many details as possible it will make your model really unique and stand out.

Create alternative models for Lego sets can be a fun and rewarding hobby, but it does require some planning and creativity. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to designing alternative models that are truly one-of-a-kind. Happy building!


Here are some examples of things I have done: